Saturday, 20 June 2009

My own experiences in my creaky house...

I have had a few experiences is the house I am in right now. I live with my mum and little sister who have both experienced some sort of creepy happening.

Lets start with me:

1. I sleep in a bedroom which I share with my little sister on a bunk bed, but she get ill very easily and likes to sleep with my mum until she gets better. So I was trying to get to sleep one night when a heard a loud single tap coming from the corner of the girlsroom in which a dressing table stands with a mirror and mine and my sisters things. I opened my eyes but saw nothing, and went to sleep. This has happened many times around the house, and mostly happens near the Tv (when it's off), it sounds like a loud static snap or someone is leaning on our Freeview box.

2. One morning (very early, about 4 or I suddenly woke up. I had no reason to wake up, I just did. I suddenly heard my mums bedroom door creak, and I could hear footsteps running out of the room down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I could hear the doors opening. Then I heard banging (like someone was getting out a sauce pan and placing it on the hob), but it wasn't loud enough to wake up my mum and sister, who were both snoring (yes, they snore...). Then I heard the footsteps run back up the stairs and into my mums room where the noises disappeared. At first I thought it was just my mum, but she NEVER runs up and down the stairs unless she is in a hurry to leave the house, and she wouldn't use a sauce pan in the middle of the night to reheat her hot water bottle, we have a kettle, and she WOULDN'T make something to eat in the middle of the night either, besides, it was only down there for a minute. And my little sister is terrified of going into dark places alone, or any place alone! No-body knows...

3. I find things usually happen when I'm trying to sleep, like something is trying to get my attention (I could be wrong). One night, because we were in the middle of a clear-out, we had a lot of things on the floor, including two porcelain fairies sitting beside eachother. They are quite chunky, hollow things sitting on flowers. Anyway, I shut my eyes for two seconds, and as soon as I did, I heard a loud clang. I opened my eyes and nothing was there. The next morning I hit the two fairies together, and it produced the same sound. They were both about three inches away from eachother last night, and I didn't find them knocked over.

4. One time, I was having a serious talk with my mum, and I was staring at our newly painted wall (magnolia). When suddenly I saw a little orb of light drift from the middle of the wall straight to the top. I have seen a few of these around the house, but nothing as clear as that one.

5. I had just finished reading before bed (last night in fact), and was turning around to turn of the bedside lamp behind me. As I started turning round, I DISTINCTLY saw some black liquid dripping from the wooden planks holding the top mattress up. It was like it was seeping through the top mattress onto the wood, then onto my duvet. When I looked more closely, it disappeared. As you might think, it was hard to turn the light off after THAT!

To be Continued...

Bed Shaking

This is a story I found on
It was written by a girl called lauren who is thirteen.
I have also experienced something similar to this (as well as my little sister). Where I would be trying to get to sleep, or just woken up, and the bed would start shaking slightly. Though me and my sister both thought it might just be us shivering out of fright. But here is the story, you decided whether it's true or not. I believe the girl is telling the truth, but it may not be a ghost:

"One night I was with my family watching scary movies. Everybody was falling asleep so we just went to bed. My little brother was scared so I went to sleep with him. I couldn't really sleep I was the only one awake. I started to feel the bed shake but I thought it was probably my imagination or my little brother moving around. I fell asleep but woke up when I felt the bed shaking harder, this time I got freaked out. I felt even more scared when I remembered something...

I dropped my brother of to school ne morning when I came back I went back to sleep. I was awakened when I felt the bed start to shake. I got scared because I was alone in the room so I went to sleep in another room and felt nothing.

After I remembered that I didn't think it was my little brother anymore the bed kept shaking. I heard that if you swear at the ghost or whatever is there it would go away. I started to swear at it and the bed stopped shaking, I felt better than suddenly my little brother opened his eyes and started to say "he's going to come back", and he kept repeating this I kept asking him what was he talking about then he just closed his eyes and started snoring again. I told my friends and family and they got creeped out."

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

The Bell Witch

What if you were vengeful and utterly unrestricted by the veil between the physical and the next dimension? That’s exactly what Kate Batts had going for her. She was a spiteful old woman who believed that she had been cheated in a land purchase by John Bell and was hell bent (literally) on tormenting him and his children, or at least his favorite 12-year old daughter, Betsy.

On Kate’s deathbed, she vowed to haunt the family of the Bell’s who had done her wrong. After her death, she made good her promise. It felt to the Bell family that this ghost took no other pleasure than tormenting them incessantly. Kate pinched their noses, poked needles into them, threw kitchen objects about, screeched at them in her now notorious high-pitched voice, pulled hair and was a presence that none of them could escape.

Kate’s wrath was particularly directly at John and his favorite daughter, Betsy. With the wife and other children she was sometimes heard crooning softly, saying something pleasant, or just ignoring them completely. John and Betsy were not so fortunate. Kate enjoyed mentally and physically torturing them with her shrieking voice or physically punishing antics.

Bell Witch Gossip moved as quickly then as it does now and this was a much talked about event in the small farming town of Adams, Tennessee. People were deeply fascinated by the rumors and some even came from hundreds of miles away to visit the place of unrest. Some spectators were greeted with handshakes, some with shrieks and some with a full dialog of warning. So popular did the story become that General Andrew Jackson, the future President of the United States, gathered a few friend to investigate the story himself. He and his cohorts wanted to either debunk or repel the feisty spirit of Kate Batts.

Jackson and his men were in for a surprise though. When their wagons stuck fast to an otherwise smooth and flat road, their jests of dealing with the witch came to a halt. No matter how they examined, pushed, cursed or whipped the horses, their wagon was not moving. Ịt was said that Jackson, in a fit of frustration and resignation, declared, “By the eternal, boys, it is the witch." Much to the amazement of Jackson and his men, the legendary screech could be heard from a nearby bush that replied, “"All right General, let the wagon move on, I will see you again to-night." Moments later the wagon and horses were suddenly free to move about. There wasn’t a person present that could account for the voice’s owner or its whereabouts.

Kate wasn’t miserly in her haunting antics and bestowed upon Jackson and his men the same torturous treatment as she had John and his daughter Betsy. Jackson’s bedcovers were repeatedly yanked from his body and his men were delivered the same pinches and pokes as the family were. Jackson and his men realized they were no match for the Bell witch and hastily abandoned their adventure first thing in the morning.

Ghosts never die so it was not surprising that the haunting of Kate lasted the duration of John Bell’s life. In fact, the ghost of Kate Batts was said to have been responsible for John’s death.

In October of 1830, John Bell was rumored to have suffered a stroke and taken ill. While he was bedridden, his family found him in a particularly bad state of stupor and position. Alarmed, his son ran to the medicine cabinet to fetch what he thought was his father’s medicine. After administering it, the family heard the witch’s glee as she victoriously declared she had poisoned John herself the night before with that vial and this last dose was surely his undoing. True enough, it was. The contents were later examined by a doctor and found to be very poisonous.

Kate was not satisfied with death alone. She sang in merriment at John’s graveside and was still heard singing happily as the last person hastily left.

Notable points: This story is popular enough to have spawned several recent movies of which include the Blair Witch Project and The American Haunting. It is also noted as one of the very rare poltergeists that caused a man’s death.

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Amazing Poltergeist Footage

A poltergeist is a spirit who likes wreaking havoc in a house or scaring a certain person. It moves or throws things, and even destroys things. It has even been known to push, hit or even bite people.

A poltergeist could be three things: 1. It could be a Demon trying to scare or harm somebody, 2. It could be someone who is a very angry or frightened person trying to get your attention 3. it could be a teenager's spirit, because teenagers are usually sensitive or frustrated.

Check out this video, I believe it is true:

Ghost footage - Real or Fake...

...It's up to you!

When I first watched it, I thought it was real, now I don't know what to think. My friend and fellow Paranormal Investigator (:-P) thinks it has a good chance to be fake. How could anyone be still in the cupboard? could there be a projector? Was is edited? Please comment with your veiws and opinions.

Two differant kinds of Ghosts

There are Ghosts that don't seem to be, pardon the very terrible pun, 'Living'. By not 'Living', I mean, is that they don't seem to be at all reacting to the world around them, as if it is a movie being played. In some (true) stories I have read that the ghost just seems to the same path, no matter if there is something in the way; it doesn't speak, it may not move things, it just walks from one place to another then disappears.

By this I don't mean that ALL the ghosts who do the same things over and over again are not 'Living', but my Dad told me a story one time of what I think was a pub, and they had a group of Roman Soldiers walking through the pub, but with a difference, you could only see them from their waist up. Some ghost hunters believe that stone (eg. buildings) can record certain things, it seems strange I know, and that the stone absorbs the energy or something, and than can replay it somehow, like the Romans for example.

There is one story (true) I read in a book about Ghosts which was based around where I live (Bedordshire). In the story, a lady walks along a path (the same path every time) towards a church. When the lady reaches the gate of the church, she will stop as if she cannot enter. She will then pull and angry face and shake a fist at the church, and disappear. This has a possibility of being a 'Recording' but in my opinion, I think it is 'Living'.

By all means, comment with your opinions on the matter, with your reasons. Who knows, you may even change my mind...

The Berini Haunting

"Where do all the lonely people go? Where do I belong?" These were the words softly uttered to Rose Berini from a little boy dressed in white roaming her upstairs hall. This boy wasn’t one of her two children though asking odd questions, he was not of this world .

The poltergeist experiences, later named The Berini Hauntings by paranormal researchers, started shortly after Joe Berini moved his wife and two of her children from a former marriage into his ancestral New England home in the late 1970s. Unbeknownst to the family then, the home had its own history of mystery, which would unfold, benignly at first, then into horrifying experiences that would drive them from their home in search of help.

Their first otherworldly visitor was a little girl whose voice penetrated this dimension one evening in May, 1979, and declared to Rose, “Mama, mama, this is Serena.” Neither Joe nor Rose knew of any girl in the family’s past by the name of Serena—at least then. What they did come to know soon enough was that when Serena visited them, something significant was about to happen to the family, usually of dire consequences. After Serena’s first visit, their daughter Daisy went to the doctors to have her tonsils taken out, except during the operation there were complications, which resulted in her heart stopping, and she nearly perished. The timing of Serena’s visit and Daisy’s near death experience did not go unnoticed by the Berinis.

Serena’s visit to the family also coincided with the stroke of Joe’s grandmother and a night in November before the elderly woman passed away. Her connection to the family seemed strong as Joe remembers waking up to Serena’s voice to find his wife choking next to him in her sleep. After shaking her awake, she shares with him that her ex-husband was choking her in her dream.

Children seemed to be the theme early on in the Berini hauntings and though there was a lull from late 1979 to March 1981, another child made an appearance to Rose. A little boy, dressed fully in white, was roaming her upstairs hall. Like Serena, these were not frightening experiences and she described them to researchers as, “A very peaceful experience.” Unlike Serena whose mission seems to have been to warn the family of danger, this young boy seemed to be searching for an object. The boy, witnessed by Joe, was seen entering each bedroom then settled on the floor of the hallway in search of something, sight unseen. Curious, Joe later pulled up the floorboards and found a medallion of the Virgin Mary.

Through family inquiry, the Berini family learned that Joe’s father, Carlos, had two younger siblings that had died in the house. There was Serena, who had passed away at the tender age of five, and a young boy by the name of Giorgio, who was gone at eight.

What I find interesting here is that there wasn’t a family investigation into these tragedies. One child is tragic, but two is suspicious. The fact that both chose to haunt the ancestral home is very unusual. Had these children been killed? And if so, by whom? Ịt was unlikely the older brother could have done it because he was relatively young himself. The father? Joe heard the little boy say to him on one occasion, “My oldest brother is the only one who can help me.” What did he mean? Help him from what? That very sentence was the beginning of the terror. It was shortly thereafter this statement that objects started to move in unpredictable fashion with phones flying, doors slamming open and shut and objects being yanked from Rose’s hands.

This turn of events led the Berinis in search of spiritual help. They asked two priests to come and bless the house, which they did with prayers and holy oil. There was a quiet spell after the rituals but it wasn’t for long.

The entity that descended upon them shortly after seemed straight from hell, though it once proclaimed itself “A minister of God.” It was a male, hunch-backed figure with oversized feet wearing a black cape. It brought with him fury and intimidation including flying objects, bookcases being moved, and eventually physical attacks. The children were hit on several occasions but Rose took the brunt of the figure’s venom. On one occasion Rose was struck by an opened freezer door but this was mild compared to what was to come.

One evening Rose was yanked from bed at night, suspended in the air, then dropped to the floor. Another night Joe was called back from work to find their bed leaping several feet in the air and Rose cowering in the corner with a crucifix.

The final straw was a carving knife jammed into the kitchen table. The Berinis left the house and again sought spiritual help. The second exorcism seemed to work as the hauntings vanished. It was at this point the family welcomed the Psychical Research Foundation to investigate their claims.

Personal Comment: Through my research of the paranormal, and as I mentioned earlier, it is unusual for a child to haunt a dwelling, let alone two. What causes hauntings is often an attachment to the physical, sudden departure from this life or unfinished business. Something pulled these children back to the physical dimension and also opened the door to the negative entity. From the sounds of it, the grandfather (the children’s father) had already passed. Was he the cloaked figure?

Like most hauntings I guess this haunting will remain a mystery.

Information from the very interesting and helpful site - Your Ghost Stories