Monday 6 July 2009

is Michael J. REALLY Resting In Peace?

Apparently, CNN were filming inside his Neverland Mansion and caught a strange misty shadow in the background. They say the posture of the 'ghost' has a resemblence to M. Jacksons posture. It could very well be. Maybe he is holding on to his material posessions? Many people say it's a shadow of one of the film crew, but how can that be because the 'shadow' also has a shadow (yes, I think that apparitions can have shadows too). Other's say that it is CGI (Computer Generated Image). To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised myself if he was haunting his mansion, it was quite a traumatic end. I hope the poor guy is okay.

Please Post your comments,TheGhostFanatic!

PS. Will check out the video more and post some checked out pictures from the video.