Sunday 7 June 2009

Ghost footage - Real or Fake...

...It's up to you!

When I first watched it, I thought it was real, now I don't know what to think. My friend and fellow Paranormal Investigator (:-P) thinks it has a good chance to be fake. How could anyone be still in the cupboard? could there be a projector? Was is edited? Please comment with your veiws and opinions.


  1. Ive watched this about 10 times and the more i watch it the more im sure that its really dosent look real to me. And the door could have just been opened by string cuz when it opens you dont see the top of it...

  2. Agreeing with amanda (It ish you right??)
    I definetly think it is fake plus you can see someones hands and face pushed against it after it opens (Once it's been closed)
